What is the Surya Namaskar?
Also, known as “Sun Salutation,” it’s an ancient practice of expressing respect and gratitude to the Sun God. Without the Sun, there’s no life on Earth. Ancient rishis of India understood that the Solar Plexus, the central point of the body, located behind the navel, is the energy powerhouse of the human body.
With regular practice of the asanas of Surya Namaskar, the Solar Plexus is enhanced, thereby stimulating one’s decision-making skills, intuitive abilities, confidence, and creativity.
Tutorial Of Surya Namaskar
Take a look at the incredible benefits of practicing Surya Namaskar daily:
1: Aids in Weight Loss
When done at a fast pace, Surya Namaskar is an excellent tool to lose weight. The postures help in stretching abdominal muscles, thereby providing you with a rigorous cardiovascular workout. It’s an efficient way to shed those extra kilos, especially around the belly. Also, it helps in improving metabolism, increasing the rate at which the body burns off calories.
2: Enjoy Glowing Skin
Your skin feels tired and lack lustre? Make Surya Namaskar a part of your morning routine. It helps in increasing blood circulation, providing your skin with an inner glow. It also helps in preventing wrinkles, crow feet, and acne, making you look radiant and ageless.
3: Regulates Menstrual Cycles
Surya Namaskar is highly beneficial for women to regulate irregular periods and other hormonal imbalances. For pregnant women, daily practice of these postures helps in easy childbirth. However, pregnant women should follow Surya Namaskar only under expert guidance.
4: Puts an End to Insomnia
Surya Namaskar helps in improving sleep patterns. The asanas help in calming your mind, providing you with a good night’s sleep.
5: Regulates your Digestive System
Suffering from constipation, bloating and other digestive problems? Turn to Surya Namaskar. It helps in the smooth functioning of your digestive tract, by increasing the blood flow to your intestines and other vital organs. The forward bend posture expands your abdominal space, aiding in the release of trapped gasses from your body.

6: Keep your Blood Sugar Levels in Check
According to experts, regular practice of Surya Namaskar helps in increasing insulin sensitivity, thereby controlling your blood sugar levels.
7: Enjoy Rock-hard Abs
With daily practice of Surya Namaskar, your core muscles are strengthened providing you with great abs, that you can proudly flaunt. Apart from being a workout to your abs, Surya Namaskar helps in strengthening your muscles, joints, and ligaments as well as improving your overall posture.
8: Detox your System
During Surya Namaskar, your body goes through an active inhalation and exhalation process, making your lungs energized and the oxygen levels in your blood increases. This helps in purging your system of accumulated carbon-dioxide and other toxic gases, providing you with a refreshing start to the day.
9: Prevents Hair Fall
Hair fall is a chronic problem faced by men and women of all ages. The yoga postures like the mountain pose (Parvatasana) and the forward bending pose (Padhastasana) increase blood flow to your scalp and head. This helps in reducing hair fall and prevents premature greying of hair.
10: Keep Anxiety at Bay
Surya Namaskar helps in regulating the functioning of the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid. It also helps in soothing your nervous system, thereby assisting you in getting of anxiety, panic attacks and reducing your stress levels.